Friday, April 8, 2011

Passport Antarabangsa Hilang

"Lepas ni jaga pasport elok-elok ye. Tanam kat tanah. Nak guna baru korek balik." (-_-)'

Baik punya dialog abang tu bagi kat aku time aku pergi buat pasport hari tu kat Kajang. Terkedu aku sekejap. Bila abang tu dah tak ada baru aku fikir balik. Salah aku ke? Absolutely not la because my passport was stolen by bastard thief. Okay tak apa.. Lepas ni akan ku tanam passport ku kat tanah depan rumah ni ha. (^_^)

Kat sini aku nak story pengalaman time hilang pasport hari tu. 

  • Hujung bulan 12/2010 hari tu, rumah sewa aku (actually rumah company) kat Damansara dah dipecah masuk pencuri . Housemate aku tu memamg dah sah-sah la hilang passport. Yang aku ni yakin lagi confident yang pasport aku tu ada dengan aku lagi.
  • Time company aku ada ura-ura nak buat trip pergi Thailand aku pun sebok la cari passport aku. Damn!! Pasport aku tak ada. Rupa-rupanya pasport aku kat rumah Damansara. It in my handbag which was stolen together with my camera and electronic dictionary (Besta).
  • Awal bulan 3/2011 hari tu aku pun pergi la Balai Polis Bukit Gambir to make report about my missing passport.
  • Lepas tu 14/3/2011 aku pergi la Imegresen Kajang to make report about the passport. Berikut adalah senarai yang diperlukan (*It depends on which branch you go actually. But basically these things are compulsory):
    1. Borang Permohonan Pasport Malaysia (IM.42 Pin 1/97) - I download it here.
    2. Borang Soal Selidik Kehilangan Pasport Malaysia (IM.42c) - I use to download it from here, but it seems that they already remove the link. But you can get it at the Imegresen. Borang ni mesti  diperakui oleh Suruhanjaya Sumpah/Mahkamah. If not, borang tu tak laku ye.. :P
    3. Laporan Polis (1 salinan) - Make sure ada cop pengesahan polis
    4. Kad Pengenalan (2 salinan) - (Bawa original for clarification)
    5. Sijil Kelahiran (2 salinan) - (Bawa original for clarification)
    6. Gambar Pasport (2 keping)
    7. Utilities bill (original) - Macam kes aku ni, aku bagi kat diorang bil api rumah kat Bukit Gambir sedangkan aku bukak kes kat Kajang. Tak boleh ye tuan-tuan & puan-puan. If you all nak bukak kes kat Kajang, make sure you punya alamat utilities bill kat Kajang jugak. Lagi satu, it doesnt matter wheteher that bill is not your name. But make sure it is the original copy. They want to see the original.
  • Bila semua tu dah lengkap, submit to officer kat sana and you all kena masuk satu bilik rahsia. hehe.. sebenarnya adalah bilik soal siasat. Tapi dont worry, diorang tak kan tanya you all benda yang bukan-bukan. Just nak pastikan macam mana you all boleh terhilangkan passport korang tu.
  • After that, diorang akan bagi you all satu surat yang mengatakan diorang dah bukak fail untuk kes korang tu. Just wait until they approve your case. For me, the officer told me to wait until 1 month. If no answer, I can call Imegresen Kajang and ask them about my case.
  • My file are open on 14/3/2011 and they have approve my case on 27/3/2011. It took them only 2 weeks actually and they approve my passport for 5 years..Their service are super-dooper cool. I like it.
  • On 7/4/2011, I go to Imegresen Kajang to collect my new passport. I like the procedure of their handling customer. It is organize neatly. 
    1. First, they will give you back the Borang Permohonan Pasport Malaysia (IM.42 Pin 1/97) that you have submitted earlier. Then they give you a number to wait. Use the same number for all procedure you made there.
    2. Counter 1 will call your number. Here they will scan your fingerprint to make sure you are really YOU. Hehe..
    3. Then Counter 2 call your number. Here they will collect your money. In my case, 5 years passport = RM300. They will give you a receipt and told you that your passport will be ready in 1 hours time.
    4. Lastly, Counter no.3 will call you. Here they will scan your fingerprint and gave you what you want, a NEW PASSPORT.. (^_^)
This is the receipt they will give you after you make payment. And the number, as I told you, use the same number for all your procedure.

Time mula-mula aku google pasal passport hilang ni punyala gerun. Sebab kebanyakannya bagitau procedure dia sangat leceh dan proses menunggu yang lama, 1-3 month depending on their budi bicara. But after all that I go through, it is totally wrong. The procedure is not as troublesome as people say. But this is for my case for sure. I dont know if your experience is much worse than me. It's depends on your luck.. :)

Nota kaki: Jagalah passport antarabangsa you all tu elok-elok. Sesungguhnya pasport hilang lagi detail and lama procedure dia dari nak buat passport baru. If buat pasport baru, you all boleh terus dapat on time. But if passport hilang kena tunggu 2 weeks (in my case) baru boleh dapat yang baru.


  1. Terima kasih pasal keterangan di atas.. mintak2 ler proses saya nanti sama cam awak atau lebih mudah n pantas lg... huhuhu.. yang seramnye.. ade jugak nak kene masuk bilik soal siasat tu.. pergh.. kalau bkn pegawai2 siasatan yang belasah aku.. silap2 aku yang belasah diorang nanti kalau prosedur lebih2 sgt.. huh, tgk la nanti...

  2. DON WORI BEB...saya salah sorg officer kt far xpenah lagi kitorg nak pukul public...public yg bersikap kurang ajar ngan kitorg adalah.sedangkan kitorg semua buat kerja based on pekeliling kerajaan....actually prosedur tuk kehilangan/kerosakan ppt amik masa 5hari bekerja sekarang.lagi cepat kan....moral nyer jgn sengaja2 hilangkan...nnt blacklist buat paspot malaysia.

  3. Thanks...Lepas jmpa blog ni lega sedikit saya..Urgent nak buat pasport sebab kawen dengan orang Bangkok...Nanti kenduri sana tetiba2 plak pengantin laki xleh sampai sebab xde pasport..=)

  4. Saya baru renew pasport dalam sebulan rasanya...misplaced ntah kat mane.tengah sedih giler dah mohon.kalau buat pasport baru...sama ke no pasport dlm visa umrah tu?

  5. Kena denda berapa ratus jika hilang pasport?

  6. @ummi paan tak kena denda pun. just bayar macam nak buat passport baru je.

  7. Handbg hilang sekali dengan psport hilang kena curi dkt rnr dkt ggle mcm sush nk buat lain...hope urusan dipermudahka n nak buat baru...amin..=D

  8. nk tye la klu pasport rosak kne air kne buat baru kne bp rm ye.
    cm sy punyr masuk mesin basuh.xdpt dbace.
    klu buat baru kne bayar bp rm?

  9. nk tye la klu pasport rosak kne air kne buat baru kne bp rm ye.
    cm sy punyr masuk mesin basuh.xdpt dbace.
    klu buat baru kne bayar bp rm?

  10. Lepas siap pasport baru boleh terus pakai x

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