Aku ni sebenarnya memang suka sangat dengan produk kesihatan ni. Currently I am Shaklee Distributor. Early this year, berminat pulak nak mencuba produk Young Living.
Kenapa Young Living?
Sebenarnya aku memang mencari produk kesihatan yang natural untuk kesihatan kami sekeluarga. Bukan nak kata Shaklee tak natural. I am very confident with Shaklee. But besides of supplement yang ditelan, I need something untuk luaran.
Apa Masalah?
My husband selalu sangat pening kepala. I really hate a fact that he is depend on a panadol actifast to cure it. My 1st son is 3 years old this year and I really worried about his speach. Belum ada proper word yang dia boleh sebut and his eye contact also tak ada. Bila kita cakap dengan dia, he always mengelak dari bertentang mata dengan kita. I never brought him to autisme assessment. I assest sendiri je pakai google. Aku yakin dia bukan autisme, cuma got speech delay problem. My 2nd son pulak got a severe eczema. Kulit dia a bit sensitive sikit.
Then I came across to this Young Living. Perkara yang paling menarik perhatian aku is in Young Living, they have oil that can improve Speech Delay problem on kids. REALLY? Aku agak skeptikal di situ. Then they said they have oil for Autisme also.. WHAT? This is INSANE..! I really need to study about this Young Living. Korang pernah dengar pasal Essential Oil tak?
Essential Oil
Bila aku start kaji pasal Young Living, I learn about essential oil. What exactly is essential oil. What oil can do to our body, to our health, to our beauty, to our environment and much more. Then aku try pulak compare most of pengeluar essential oil di dunia ni. Most of the time I google, mesti akan keluar Young Living Essential Oil. I really impressed with their logo, seed to seal. Maknanya, dari benih tumbuhan tu lagi Young Living dah jaga naturally supaya oil yang akan terhasil nanti organik, bebas dari chemical berbahaya. Interesting kan?
Then Young Living is the only one that have the biggest farm and they open their farm to those yang tak percaya diorang punya logo seed to seal tu. Siapa-siapa yang tak percaya tu, sila beli tiket and go visit their farm okeh..
Young Living Member
Dipendekkan cerita, aku pun register lah jadi member Young Living. Time tu aku ambil Premium Starter Kit + Vetiver + V6 Oil + Kidscent Toothpaste. My silver leader yang baik hati bagi free oil Orange + Cedarwood.
Setelah hampir setahun menjadi pengguna Young Living, alhamdulillah banyak peningkatan pada keluarga kecil kami. Yang paling nampak kesan is my son punya speech problem. Now, he is really a talkative guy despite of his pelat. Always want to say a word. His eye contact with us is improved. He even can make a simple sentence now. Oh my! Praise to Allah! Mommy really impressed.
Bila anak-anak nak demam, mommy just apply oil to them. Then demam tu pun akan malu-malu jugak nak keluar. Save duit dan masa pergi klinik. Tak payah seksa nak telan ubat pahit bagai kan. But still, kalau ada tanda-tanda luar biasa tu, pergi jugaklah seek doctor opinion. This essential oil is just one of our usaha selain ubat-ubatan moden ni.